On Wed, 2007-03-28 at 14:44 +0100, Jorge Almeida wrote:
> On Wed, 28 Mar 2007, Albert Hopkins wrote:
> >
> > You should probably use ACLs.  They may also obviate the need to set
> > directory sticky bits to begin with.
> I know, but learning ACL will not be a minor task (I think).

POSIX ACLs are simple, and a logical extension of traditional
permissions.  Anyone who has ever messed with Windows or VMS ACLs would
be comforted to know that POSIX ACLs are much simpler.

> >
> > You did not explain why you want to do this, but you also want to
> > investigate whether g+s'ing the directory gives the effect you want.
> >
> It doesn't, but it would be the same problem, as to umask or similar.

You still haven't specified what exactly you are trying to accomplish
which makes it difficult to suggest a solution.
Albert W. Hopkins

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