Hi group,

I did an emerge -uD world on a box with the 2.6.12
kernel on it via the 2005.1 livecd.

1)From the logs or perhaps an online doc I read that I
must "manage a static /dev or ensure udev starts on
boot. But how? There's no udev in init.d or conf.d.

2)The emerge process terminated with the message "
'slocate' renamed 'locate'." and to run 

#groupmod -n locate slocate. 

Which I did and was able to resume the process. Now in
the new system both man locate  and man slocate go to
the same file, slocate(1). So what was that all about?
It seemed important enough to shut the whole process

3)Another message state with regard to glibc "upgrade
/etc/locales.build to /etc/local.gen then run
/etc/locals.build". Words to that effect. How the heck
do I do that?


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