2007. 04. 13, péntek keltezéssel 23.16-kor b.n. ezt írta:
> Hi,
> I have looked a bit for this but I've found nothing.

> However I'd like to see some tutorial/advice/whatever about it.
> m.


Try out catalyst, which is part of portage.
It is easy to create a custom own livecd.

>From livecd, you can rsync its content (from /mnt/livecd/) to hdd and
you can customize.
For example my "distribution" is a customized livecd, which is capable
to install it to hdd (i686 optimized) and focused to server
here you can see glivecd.0.0.1.iso

The learning curve is funny ;)
With catalyst, you can make uptodate stages etc.
It is a really great tool. Everybody able to make an own release :)


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