On Thursday 26 April 2007 01:15:17 Iain Buchanan wrote:
> recently I borrowed (and will probably soon buy a related model) a JVC
> "HD" HD video camera.   (The first "HD" is for high def!).
> Anyway, the great feature is it records on a 40Gb hard disk, but the
> annoying thing is the video files are named in hex:
> MOV001
> MOV002
> MOV003
> ...
> MOV009
> MOV00A
> MOV00B
> ...
> MOV00F
> MOV010
>  and so on.  But when nautilus displays the files, it decides to do it
> "cleverly", and sorts all the 001 to 009, 010 to 019, etc. files _after_
> all the 00A to 00F, 01A to 01F files, which is in completely the wrong
> order, so trying to categorise / edit 
> the files becomes a pain, as the more files I have, the further out of
> place they get!  `ls` doesn't sort it like nautilus - it does what I
> expect and puts it in the right order.

Adjust your LC_ALL, LC_COLLATE, and/or LANG environment variables.  (At least, 
Nautilus /should/ respect those.)  You might have to do something like:
LC_ALL="POSIX" nautilus
from a xterm-like application.  You can use
env | grep ^L
from a new xterm-like seesion to see what nautilus "sees" by default.

Boyd Stephen Smith Jr.                     ,= ,-_-. =. 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                      ((_/)o o(\_))
ICQ: 514984 YM/AIM: DaTwinkDaddy           `-'(. .)`-' 
http://iguanasuicide.org/                      \_/     

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