On 2007-05-07, Francisco Rivas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> Next time I'm in the market for a loptop, I'm going to think
>> long and hard before buying another model that has an ATI video
>> chipset.  I've never had a lick of trouble with NVidia drivers
>> and have had constant headaches with ATI drivers (from both
>> xorg and ATI).

> Your comment is really funny because I think the same before
> my 8.36ati-drivers work. Honestly I think the same now, it's
> important keep that in mind. In my job I have an Nvidia Video
> Card and on the first time i installed the nvidia-drivers
> pufff.. works.

I used to like ATI because there were open-source drivers that
supported 3D acceleration, but that ended a few years ago: the
9250 was the last board with opensource DRI support.

Unfortunately, if you're shopping for a laptop there seem very
few non-ATI choices.

Grant Edwards                   grante             Yow! I represent a
                                  at               sardine!!

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