On Mon, 7 May 2007, Marek Miller wrote:

> When I run firefox on my x86 laptop, the ps -eHF command produces
> following output:
> UID        PID  PPID  C    SZ   RSS PSR STIME TTY          TIME CMD
> ...
> ...
> marek     5788  5765 12 50526 73088    0 09:02 ?        00:13:42
> /usr/lib/mozilla-firefox/firefox-bin
> marek     5869  5788  0     0     0   0 09:02 ?                    00:00:00
> [netstat] <defunct>
> Firefox is a parent of defunct netstat process. Of course, when I close
> firefox, the zombie disappears too.
> Could someone explain me how to get rid of it?

IIRC, I first noticed this in 1997, running Netscape 4 on HP/UX. It's 
weird-looking, but it doesn't do anything bad.

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