> -----Original Message-----
> From: Alex Schuster [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Tuesday, May 15, 2007 4:16 AM
> Daevid Vincent writes:
> > So now I'm out of ideas.
> > Is there a 'debug' mode or something I can see what or why 
> whatever is
> > crashing? How can I be the *only* one having this issue?!
> Maybe you find something in ~/.xsession-errors, but I doubt 
> that. There is also ~/.gnomerc-errors, have a look there.
> Did you try removing (or better moving) your ~/.gnome* and ~/.gconf* 
> directories? Maybe it's a configuration problem and a fresh 
> start helps.
>       Alex

I have no ~/.gnomerc-errors

I tried to delete all the .gnome related stuff, and even things that were'nt 
related. Same error.

Then I created a brand new 'testgnome' account that had nothing in 
/home/testgnome. Same error.


This is a longshot, but maybe I should just "emerge --unmerge" all of gnome and 
related? (how do I do that, including any /etc files
and stuff -- like it never happened). Then I can re-emerge it all? I dunno.

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