> Hey gang...
> I was just looking for some opinions.  I am replacing my current mail
> server.
> Right now I am using courier-imap and I am happy with it.   The only thing
> that concerns me is that I have heard grumblings that courier has some
> security issues.   I was just curious which IMAP server other people would
> recommend or perhaps if I am best off just sticking with what I know.  My
> current setup is very simple.  My only real requirements are SSL and
> maildir
> support.   I connect using either Kmail or Thunderbird.

I moved from Courier-imap to Cyrus following performance problems with
larger folders and haven't regretted it since.

Connecting to any imap (or imaps)-server should be simple as long as the
client supports imap (or imaps)



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