So yes, that is a circular dependency, even without Gentoo involved.
Not everything is simple, and not everything is cut and dry.  Sometimes
the problem is not directly the package manager's fault.  Give them time
to work out all the glitches.  7.2 is fairly new.  The chip used by most
AMD64 machines, and a handful of Intel machines is not supported by the
Vendor with 7.2.  All the support at this time has to come from the
Community, until updated drivers are released.

Well, I really don't know what all this talk of glitches and circular dependencies is all about. I just installed Gentoo with xorg, kde, etc. on a brand new machine I built yesterday. It's an Abit motherboard with an vVidia chipset (nForce 4 Ultra) and an nVidia GeForce 7300GT video card. It all install without a single issue. In fact, I am typing this on that very machine. :)

Be lucky,


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