On Tuesday 29 May 2007 09:01:39 Denis wrote:
> I'm curious to know your approach to keeping your Gentoo box current
> without it becoming a full-time job.  I'm not talking about
> maintaining servers - just your "daily driver", so to say.

In server-land I would perform all upgrades on a test system before rolling to 
production anyway.

> How often do you sync with the current portage tree and compare it
> your versions in "world"?

I sync, update system and world, and then revdep-rebuild daily.  I run ~amd64.
Unfortunately, this can get you into some sticky situations: my pdns still 
doesn't like my new postgres.

If you are running stable, it's much less likely to result in bad situations, 
and you should be able to put off upgrades much longer.  A daily (or weekly) 
sync is still a good idea IMHO; having an up-to-date tree is rarely a 

> How often to you update major components, like Xorg, kernel, and
> system tool chain?

I live on the edge and treat them like any other package.  Well, 'cept the 
kernel, which I only actually compile and reboot into occasionally.  If you 
don't have time to wrestle with issues, but off the upgrade.  Nothing sucks 
worse than not having the time to fix X, but needing it to work/play and 
having to broken.

Boyd Stephen Smith Jr.                     ,= ,-_-. =. 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                      ((_/)o o(\_))
ICQ: 514984 YM/AIM: DaTwinkDaddy           `-'(. .)`-' 
http://iguanasuicide.org/                      \_/     

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