i'm trying to install gentoo on Adaptec AAC-RAID (rev 01) Subsystem:
Hewlett-Packard Company AAR-2610SA. i've made RAID5 array with the 4
sata disks. And i have also 1 IDE disk with the old gentoo. My aim is
to get rid of this IDE disk and to install gentoo on whole RAID5

so this is it.
Old IDE:

/dev/hda5             291M   79M  212M  28% /
/dev/hda6             6.6G  1.7G  4.9G  26% /usr
/dev/hda7              30G  195M   30G   1% /var
/dev/hda1              71M   38M   34M  53% /boot

and here is the sata array:

/dev/sda1               /boot           ext2            noauto,noatime  1 2
/dev/sda3               /               reiserfs        noatime         0 1
/dev/sda2               none            swap            sw              0 0
/dev/sda4               /store          reiserfs        auto            0 0

so, i've just copied all files from IDE to sda-raid array, compiled
new kernel with the genkernel-tool and installed it on sda.

kernel configuration: http://paste.org.ru/?wa5zzf
dmesg(of the same kernel on IDE): http://paste.org.ru/?9loypk

my grub.conf:

default 0
timeout 10

title=Gentoo Linux
root (hd0,0)
kernel /boot/kernel-genkernel-x86-2.6.19-gentoo-r5 root=/dev/ram0
init=/linuxrc ramdisk=8192 real_root=/dev/sda3 udev
initrd /boot/initramfs-genkernel-x86-2.6.19-gentoo-r5

after installation and copying i've removed IDE disk and tried to boot
from sda array. grub was loaded succesfully but the kernel was stuck
with this error:

Activating mdev...
mknod: /newroot/dev/console : read-only file system
mknod: /newroot/dev/tty1 : read-only file system
Booting (initramfs)..switch_root: Bad console '/dev/console'
Kernel panic - not syncing : Attempted to kill init

what am i doing wrong?
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