On 6/16/07, Boyd Stephen Smith Jr. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On Friday 15 June 2007, Alexander Skwar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote
about '[gentoo-user]  Re: Finer grained kde*-meta packages':
> Suppose you've got the following "use case": Install all of
> KDE, but leave out PPP stuff.
> How would you solve that?

Intall all the kde*-meta packages except kde-meta (I want to customize my
kde install) and kdenetwork-meta (Specifically, I want to adjust network
[ppp] support).  Install any packages I need but don't have yet via the
split ebuilds.

I have an idea, but it would probably involve a change in portage
itself  instead of a mere ebuild useflag change.

That idea is basically "optional dep if installable"
(opdep =kde-base/kppp)

which  by default would pull kppp if there was an unmasked copy in the
tree and to skip pulling it, you would just p-mask it

Reason of course being that I for one, a list of 30 useflags all
titled with "no" on the front of them would be a little daunting

( Im not saying it /should/ be done like this, but I just try cover
other areas / techniques that haven't been investigated yet in the off
chance somebody else will see a great idea offshoot from it )
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print "enNOSPicAMreil [EMAIL PROTECTED]"[(2*x)..(2*x+1)]}'
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