Hi all,
  I have a long running Windows machine that I had previously
attempted to make duel boot using the Windows boot loader mostly as an
experiment. It's not my first dual boot. I've got 4 others that use
grub and they all work fine. This machine, however, never did boot
Linux and as it wasn't a high priority I just let it go and ran
Windows on it as needed. However I now need to get it running and want
to switch it over to grub as I doubt I'll be running windows on it
very much in the future so I have a few questions.

  The first problem I ran into on this machine was that immediately
after finds my kernel and starts booting I get maybe 1 or 2 lines that
are good but then the screen becomes unreadable. The text characters
are highly garbled and there are columns of dots all over the screen.
The card is an NVidia NV18 GeForce4 MX 400.

  Is there possibly a boot line option to get the system to write
these characters cleanly?

  The second problem is that after the boot gets started I get a
kernel panic. As background the disk layout of this machine, as viewed
from within Linux booted from an install CD, looks roughly like this:

/dev/hde1 * Blocks=1-3824        ID=7 HPFS/NTFS
/dev/hde2   Blocks=3825-19457 ID=5 Extended
/dev/hde5   Blocks=3825-3837   ID=83 Linux
/dev/hde6   Blocks=3838-4020   ID=83 Linux
/dev/hde7   Blocks=4021-7668   ID=83 Linux
/dev/hde8   Blocks=7669-10218 ID=7 HPFS/NTFS

  The last NTSF partition is just data.

  The Linux partitions should be boot, swap and the system, in that
order. I wanted to double check that I could load grub and stop using
the Windows boot loader by using something like these commands:

grub> root (hd0,6)
grub> setup (hd0)

  Also, do I need to make /dev/hde5 bootable in fdisk? I think it's
onot strictly required for grub but I might as well ask.

  The machine is going to run Gentoo for the foreseeable future and
I'd prefer to use grub long term. However I don't want to completely
mess up or get rid of the Windows install until I'm confident I've
really finished with it for good.

Thanks in advance,
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