> What I do is maintain two xorg.conf files: xorg.conf.home & xorg.conf.work.

Hm... that's what I wanted to avoid, since it's usually a PITA to
maintain multiple instances of a config (I'm already doing this with

> Then I do not start X during startup.  Instead I log into the console
> and run
> one of two scripts:  x-home or x-work, which simply copies the corresponding
> xorg.conf.* file to xorg.conf then starts xdm.

Yes, that's pretty close to what I'm doing right at the moment. But I
would really like to automate this process - that's why I woul really
like to be able to acquire the EDID or something similar (model specs or
just a unique binary value) at boot time, so I can invoke an appropriate
script during system init.

*sigh* ... I guess I'll have to post to the unfriendly nVnews forums


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