On Wednesday 18 July 2007 20:38, Daniel da Veiga wrote:
> On 7/18/07, Dale <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >  instead of two emerge --emptytree it would be faster to just nuke the
> > installation....
> >
> >  I agree.  Just back up /etc, make a copy of your world file and any
> > other config files you may need and start from scratch.  At least then
> > you KNOW for sure where you started from and that something didn't get
> > missed somewhere.
> >
> >  Oh, don't forget /home either.
> I was just going to reply about that when you remind me I can keep the
> world file, and all the portage configs...
> Maybe I'll start from scratch then, copy the configs back and start an
> "emerge -uDN world" to get it all back, I guess this will save me some
> time, as I have all the tarballs from this two years at a network
> storage  using NTFS.

You could always set your flags as you need them for the new machine and the 
cross compile into a chroot.  Finally, tar your new chrooted fs, transfer it 
over to the new machine and untar.  That's the theory anyway.  I have not 
practised what I preach, but I'm sure it is described somewhere in the forums 
and Wiki.

Good luck.

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