On 4 Aug 2007, at 00:12, Richard Marz wrote:
Networkless box:
    $ emerge -fpv world > foo.txt

Sneaker foo.txt to networked box and:
    $ for foo in foo.txt ; do wget -c -nc -P /usr/portage/distfiles/
$foo ; done

Should approximately do the trick.


Thanks for the help, Stroller. But that command did not work so well.
wget translated $foo to foo.txt instead of reading line line in foo.txt.
I managed to get wget to fetch the files in foo.txt by running:

cat foo.txt |xargs -- wget -c -nc -P /usr/portage/distfiles/ -

I think that was a copy & paste error on my part.

I think the command I ended up using was:
$ for foo in `cat foo.txt` ; do wget -c -nc -P /usr/portage/ distfiles/

But I'm glad you got it sorted in the end.

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