James schrieb:

If I wanted to use CF or SD cards in these old system, is there an
inexpenive interface converter (say CF to ide) that is redily

I don't know your location so the sources I would check for supplies
very likely won't help you: I am in Austria/Europe.

PC engines offer one:


Those WRAP boards are now obsolete.

AFAIK they plan a new board:


If I wanted to build inexpensive routers for folks (minimum 3
ethernet) what's the cheapest board you've found to run GNAP,  that's
still being sold?

Maybe the soekris-stuff?


But I think they aren't cheap as well ...


While I wrote this Chris has replied:

IPCop or PFsense has a great firewall product that can be easily adapted to a CF Card. I believe there are instructions on both websites on how to do it.

I run the wrapcop-image here, available from embcop.org


It all depends on your goals:
Should it be small/cheap/silent/efficient?
Need a GUI or not?


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