Ow Mun Heng wrote:
Been struggling with a new script I'm porting over from bash because
perl's DBI is much more elegant than my previous usage of sqsh.

I'm having trouble converting from a datetime into a unix epoch

under bash, this is done.

epoch_date = date -d "$date" +%s

Mon Aug 13 14:39:48 MYT 2007
$date -d "2007-08-13 14:39:48" +%s

Under perl, I have no idea how this can be achieved.
Neither localtime, timelocal or AFAICT, DateTime can achieve this

The DateManip module may have what you need. From its description:

"This is a set of routines designed to make any common date/time manipulation easy to do...From the very beginning, the main focus of Date::Manip has been to be able to do ANY desired date/time operation easily"

See http://search.cpan.org/~sbeck/DateManip-5.44/Manip.pod or do an 'emerge -av DateManip'
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