On 8/13/07, Bo Ørsted Andresen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Monday 13 August 2007 22:54:59 Mark Knecht wrote:
> > > > > > > Maybe because of this:
> > > > > > > https://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=125728#c29
> [SNIP]
> > > Or you could read the link to bugs.gentoo.org in the top of this mail. Or
> > > post the output from the stable version of revdep-rebuild --ignore.
> >
> > I did read it. It seemed that the stable revdep-rebuild solution was
> > to start editing system files. I didn't want to do that as I don't
> > know what they do. (Please remember, I am a DUMMY. I am NOT a computer
> > scientist, a sys admin or a programmer. I used to design chips and now
> > play music and trade stocks and options. I don't use ~x86 except when
> > I have a reason. I suspect I'll just go back to stable and join the
> > hordes looking for a fix to the stable version of revdep-rebuild.)
> No no no. It's gcc with the gcj use flag that's broken. The stable version of
> revdep-rebuild is just showing you already existing breakage in gcc (or
> inconsistency if you will). Editing those .la files or creating those
> symlinks are proper solutions. Another solution if you don't need gcj anyway
> is to disable that use flag..

Ah, OK, that's different. I looked up the gcj flag and got this:

gcj     Enable building with gcj (The GNU Compiler for the Javatm
Programming Language)

I don't know if I *need* it. I don't know how I would tell if I'm even
using it today. Is thee some way for me to test whether I've ever
compiled Java code with with gcc? I personally would guess that I
haven't as it sounds like something you'd know if you were doing, but
possibly portage builds something this way that I'm not aware of?

Anyway, I don't *think* I need it so I'm happy to turn off the flag
and test how things work with the stable version of gentoolkit.

Thanks in advance,
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