
On Sat, Aug 18, 2007 at 02:01:15PM -0400, Walter Dnes wrote:
>   This is getting frustrating.  All my searching turns up stuff that
> involves responding to some "event" that is triggered by closing the lid
> on a laptop.  That is obviously not going to happen on a desktop PC.

Why not type 'hibernate' as a root instead of hooking it to closing lid?

>   Normal rebooting is a pain, because I usually run with 3 or 4 text
> consoles logged in for different functions, as well as an X session.  So
> what do I have to do to get a *DESKTOP* PC to suspend to disk (preferred)
> or to ram (second choice)?

I use hibernate-scripts configured to use the "old" hibernate 1
(partially because it is OK with vanilla kernel, partially because the
hibernate 2 looks a little bloated to me, partially because I know
author of hibernate 1). It works without any problem, I just start the
system next time and it loads in its original state.

Just give it a try.

All flame and insults will go to /dev/null (if they fit)

Michal 'vorner' Vaner

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