Am Montag, 3. September 2007 schrieb ext Walter Dnes:

>   This setup is for a desktop PC that has "a user" not "a bunch of
> users".  I am *NOT* running a server with a bunch of users.  If I was,
> I'd be using quotas to prevent the problem described above.

To solve a problem that you otherwise wouldn't have?

> > Another one is filesystem corruption, or even human error. Placing
> > everything into one single filesystem is a Bad Thing (tm). I.e. you
> > can't mount vital parts of the system ro to prevent accidental
> > deletion, or keep data or home volumes safely unmounted until they
> > are really needed/accessed (by use of the automounter),
>   a) I'm running a home desktop PC, not a corporate server.  If the
>      "users" (i.e. me) can't co-ordinate with each other, then I've
>      got a badly split personality<g>

You didn't tell before.

>   b) I have the system backed up on a 320 gig external USB drive

And if your single big partition breaks, you waste a lot of time restoring 

>   c) "automount" problems seem to crop up often in this list

Which ones, with which automounter? I've never seen any with the kernel 
automounter. OTOH, what isn't mounted can't be corrupted/deleted.

>   d) more partitions means more things to go wrong

Which ones? Limiting possible damage can't ever be wrong.

> > you can't use different filesystems for different purposes, etc.
>   You mean like ext2fs for a small rarely-written-to partition and
> reiserfs for a gigantic partition with lots of files?

No. As Neil already wrote: The various Linux filesystems shine in different 
use cases (XFS has good large file performance, reiserfs is storage 
effective when it comes to small files while its delete performance is 
poor, etc.).


Dirk Heinrichs          | Tel:  +49 (0)162 234 3408
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