On Sat, 2007-09-15 at 04:08 +0000, Grant Edwards wrote:
> On 2007-09-15, Michael Sullivan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>> My MythTV recordings are jerky.  Every couple of seconds the
> >>> recordings will jump sort of pause for about half a second and
> >>> then jump ahead. Has anyone else seen this?  How can I fix it?
> >>> Here's my info:
> >> 
> >> What PVR board do you have? 150,250,350,500?
> >> 
> >> What did you configure as the playback device?
> >> 
> >> Does mplayer playback video files smoothly on that machine?
> > As for the PVR, it's a 250.  mplayer plays videos smoothly,
> > yes.
> Does mplayer say it's using the Xv output device?  Something
> like this?
>   VO: [xv] 512x384 => 512x384 Planar YV12 
In gmplayer, the driver it claims to use is xv X11/Xv.  It doesn't give
me the rest of that information you asked for in the interface.  Where
would it be?
> Does mplayer play the MythTV recordings smoothly?
LiveTV is smooth.  I recorded something last night that looked smooth to
me at the beginning, so it might be fixed.  I won't know for sure until
we watch the recording later today...
> [We're trying to figure out if the problem is in the recording
> or in the playback.]
> > I'm not sure what you mean by the "playback device".
> When you configure the MythTV front-end you can select a device
> to use for playback (for example you can use the MPEG2 decoder
> in a PVR-350).  If you left it at the default value it's
> probably OK.
> > AFAIK I haven't changed it from the default, whatever that
> > is...
> -- 
> Grant Edwards                   grante             Yow!  Am I elected yet?
>                                   at               
>                                visi.com            

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