On 9/20/07, Danilo Marcelo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I was reading your first message again and now i understood your real
> problem.
> Some tips:
> 1) Change your player to test;

Again, I have tested audio with Aqualung & mplayer on the desktop and
Flash in Firefox. They work correctly and go to the internal sound
chip. I've tested DVD with gmplayer. DVD's play fine and the audio
goes to the internal sound chip. I've tested DVDs and CDs with xine.
In both cases xine sends it to the external USB sound card.

> 2) Remove your internal sound card

I cannot. It's a chip on the motherboard. On the other hand it might
be interesting, at least for test purposes, to disconnect the external
USB device and restart Alsa. Possibly xine will go internal in that

> 3) Test alsaconf again

Yeah, been down that road. I've been working with Alsa for almost 8
years now. Unless there is something very subtle going on here my Alsa
config is very generic & does specify which sound device is associated
with which sound card number. And again, every other audio application
works fine, and xine worked fine until maybe two weeks ago.
Unfortunately my wife doesn't inform me at the first instant things
stop working so there's no good way at this point to know what update
broke it, or whether the update was xine itself, Alsa, or something

All that said I'll run alsaconf and see what it would do although IIRC
it doesn't actually set up dual sound cards. You have (or had) to do
that by hand.

> I'm doing my best to help you.
> Good luck!

And I do appreciate it! I'll post back about the no-USB experiment
later this morning if I get a chance to run it.

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