Am Donnerstag, 18. Oktober 2007 schrieb ext Thufir:
> On Wed, 17 Oct 2007 10:35:13 -0500, Albert Hopkins wrote:
> > And then you'll hate us and say we
> > all suck (j/k I hope
> you suck ;)
> I'm moving the Windows partition from the slave hdd to the master, and
> going from two distros (fedora and gentoo) to one distro (gentoo) in part
> to better utilize disc space.

OK, but that still doesn't give us the exact partition layout you currently 
have and what each single partition is currently used for.

However, I assume you want to get someting like this:

hda1: Windows
hda2: Linux (/boot)
hda3: Linux (/)
hda4: PV for LVM (PV = Physical Volume)
hdb1: PV for LVM

The two PVs will be assigned to one Volume Group (VG), inside which you want 
to create LVs (Logical Volumes) for /usr, /var, /home/<user>, swap, ...

Is this correct?


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