Hi group,

Previously I had a problem with hard drive that turned
out was a faulty IDE controller, not the drive, not
the cable. 

Now I can't use /dev/hdb but /dev/hdc is OK. So my set
up is /dev/hda(WinXP) and /dev/hdc(gentoo), ie, WinXP
is on the first IDE as master and gentoo is on the sec
IDE also as master. hdd is the CDROM(sec IDE,slave),
to complete the setup.

So far I've tried every possible permutation of root,
rootnoverify and map. I've tried installing the boot
loader on /dev/hda and /dev/hdc. On hda nothing
works(error 21). On hdc the boot menu appears and I
can boot gentoo but not WinXP

Error messages: "selected disk does not exist", "not
found or not a block device", "could not find device
for boot". Sorry, I can't recall the exact context for
these messages but this will give a flavor hopefully.

I've tried changing the boot order in the BIOS.

I can get gentoo to boot if I tell grub it's on
(hd0,0)(?!?!) but WinXP won't boot unless I remove the
HD w/gentoo on it and bypass grub altogether.

fdisk can see both drives OK. Both drives appear in
dmesg w/o errors. Both drives appear in the POST
screen -- first drive as '0', second drive as '1'

I've scoured the web for an answer and now must turn
to the authorities on this list as a last resort.


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