On Thu, 22 Nov 2007 02:49:11 +0000 (UTC)
Thufir <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I only started googling $DISPLAY, but yes, it's the same user who
> started the X session.  Normally I use GNOME, but will also try just
> X and KDE.

really?  in your previous message you pasted:

>arrakis ~ # gtkpod
>(gtkpod:11857): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display: 

did you start the X session as root?  

it's important to differentiate between having permission to write to
an X display (xhost permits that) and knowing which display to write
to - $DISPLAY will be set to that if you're already in the 'X
environment' (it's an environment variable).  However, if you su or
something, you'll no longer have that environment variable.  

Generally speaking it should be set to ":0" which is equivilent to
"localhost:0.0" or localhost server, display 0, screen 0.  

if I were in your position I would say:
$ DISPLAY=":0" gtkpod
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