Stéphane ANCELOT wrote:
> import webbrowser

Works fine for me, opens the site in Firefox.

What version of Python?
What's in your webbrowser._browsers?

Python 2.4.4 (#1, Nov  9 2007, 16:26:42)

>>> webbrowser._browsers
{'kfm': [<class webbrowser.Konqueror at 0xb7bfc68c>, 
<webbrowser.Konqueror instance at 0xb7c0054c>], 'links': [None, 
<webbrowser.GenericBrowser instance at 0xb7c003cc>], 'lynx': [None, 
<webbrowser.GenericBrowser instance at 0xb7c0048c>]}

There's no Firefox in there, but it is marked as default browser 
somewhere in KControl.

When doing:

webbrowser.register("firefox", None, webbrowser.Netscape("firefox"))

it opens two Firefoxes, and opens the site in a second tab of the 
first window.  Strange.

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