Etaoin Shrdlu wrote:
> (Apologies if this has already been mentioned)
> Another (maybe less intrusive, although slightly less efficient) option 
> is to install the BackupPC_Admin CGI as setuid so that it runs as user 
> backuppc (this is how I run BackupPC-2.1.2-r1). This does not require a 
> different instance of apache, nor it requires to use mod_perl. It does, 
> however, require USE=perlsuid, but this is already supported by gentoo.

Yes, I am aware of that.  The BackupPC ebuild should support either way,
as there is a speedup of about 15x (according to the BackupPC author)
when running the webserver as user backuppc.  There should be a USE
variable controlling this.  Also, it is wise to not put backuppc on the
same instance of apache so that it can run on a non-standard port.  The
ebuild by default would not install any password control to backuppc,
and so the web interface would be open.

Randy Barlow
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