On 16/12/2007, Randy Barlow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> David Relson wrote:
> > IMHO, python is a very nice object oriented language and C++ is no
> > better (unless you need particular features of the language).  I
> > suspect C++ runs somewhat faster, but that's not the issue here.  As I
> > understand, portage needs to deal with lots of special cases and
> > exceptions to the general rules for updating package.  Special cases
> > and exceptions always lead to complications and messy code.  Switching
> > languages doesn't help a situation like this.
> C++ is most certainly going to yield faster programs since it is a
> machine compiled language and python is interpreted.  But that's not the
> idea behind portage.  It's all about using the right tools for the job.
>  I do all my research code in C++ because I need good memory management
> and I need speed.  But python is far easier to code in, doesn't need to
> be compiled, and is pretty dang elegant.  It's also pretty platform
> independent, which is also nice.

I see you haven't read the portage source-code.  It isn't so elegant...
And I'm saying this as someone who likes python and thinks it is
generally a Good Idea.

On 16/12/2007, Hemmann, Volker Armin
> one reason pro phyton and contra c and c++ has always been: segfaults.
> And with c++ comes another one: abi changes.
> Just think about this horror: gcc/libstdc++ update and your package manager
> stops working....

Hehehehe. Guess what python is linked against (It doesn't have to be
linked against libstdc++, but it usually is)? =P
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