On Thursday 20 December 2007, Randy Barlow wrote:
> Grant wrote:
> > I used mutt for a long time but when I tried squirrelmail my
> > productivity when up 5 fold.  I'm thinking switching to a desktop app
> > would be even better.  Plus no PHP on my server.
> I like Thunderbird.

I think that it is simply a matter of choice of access.  If you want to access 
your messages from anywhere, then a webmail can be useful.  On the other hand 
if you have access to a mail client (laptop, pda, smartphone) then webmail 
can be redundant.  A webmail (unless run on the LAN) will always experience 
some latency compared to a mail client and over a dial up, well it'll feel 

I have been using Kmail, which has evolved to become a pretty stable 
application (well, compared to what it was like 4 years ago ;p ) and have 
also used Opera's mail client/news agent (because it's simple, lightweight 
and errm . . . it's just there).  On the other hand, if you also use MS 
Windows, then Thunderbird brings familiarity because it exists on both OS'.


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