I have been running a machine for a long while.  I am beginning to
think that the old saw that Gentoo isn't release oriented is hogwash:
each installation seems to be more polished, leaving behind a windrove
of cruft accumlating over the years.  The few times I have installed
since my introduction two years ago have each exposed some more
polished installation aspects/details.

Be that as it may, I have now installed a new motherboard and CPU.  I
have moved from a 64 bit AMD single core Athlon 64 to a  dual core AMD
Athlon 64.  The install has gone well, I have had to recompile the
kernel before migrating; however, some questions remain.

So it's back to the old threads about whether 64 bits is superior to
32, etc.  My question now is, given that the system is working damned
well now, what is the best way to handle this: recompile everything?
Should I recompile gcc and the libraries and all compilers.

I have to say that this system is pretty solid, but it's been hard to
keep up with the housekeeping.  And emerge -uDav world has been next
to impossible.

So, again, what differences will there be, that will require immediate
adjustment?  I have changed to "-j3" in make.conf.  I have so many
packages installed it will take many days to recompile, and, again, I
am considering a reinstallation of everything.  Gentoo has cured me of
that weakness for constant upgrades and installs, even while
convincing me of the excellence of compiling for the machine.

Alan Davis

Alan Davis, Kagman High School, Saipan  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

"It's never a matter of liking or disliking ..."
       ---Santa Ynez Chumash Medicine Man
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