On Saturday 05 January 2008, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > to de-junk a default config - even if you don't know what you do,
> > is in realm of half an hour to an hour. If you read everything.
> Do you have a de-junked .config that I can diff against the
> default.. it would be a way to see what kinds of things get dropped.

Drivers for stuff you don't need and you will likely never use. Like ham 
radio stuff, v4linux (first version), I20, on a notebook all the 
enterprise-grade connect-a-machine-to-storage-stuff like iSCSI and 
Infiniband, all of ISA and MCA and the pre-pci bus drivers, old disk 
types like mfm and on modern boards usually even IDE as well. 

Removing all these unused drivers is the single largest improvement in 
reducing kernel size. The general rule with drivers is that if you are 
familiar with YOUR hardware and you've never heard of something in the 
config then you don't have it and don't need it :-)

Complete kernel sub-systems are a bit harder, although some are still 
obvious. Like virtualisation. I assure you that if you have never heard 
of kvm and paravirt, then you certainly don't need it.

With other stuff I usually end up leaving them in and removing things 
gradually as I compile the next kernel and learn more about stuff out 
there. If say HPET intrigues you and you want to know more, then Google 
it. Tomorrow you can do another one.

Like I said in an earlier mail, it's not an easy process. It's only easy 
if you know most of it already - like Volker. I'd guess he has long 
since forgotten what it took to learn everything he knows, so of 
course "It's obvious!"...

Comparing his and your configs is mostly pointless as your machines will 
differ considerably. The config file is >70k and even on two recent 
standard ubuntu configs the differences are over 1000 lines. Good luck 
with comparing that lot and trying to figure out what's going on :-)


Alan McKinnon
alan dot mckinnon at gmail dot com
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