On Thu, Jan 24, 2008 at 11:41:04AM -0800, maxim wexler wrote:
> Anybody know of a gentoo/linux tone generator that
> will output test tones, sine waves, triangle waves and
> the like.
> Prefer command line/ncurses.

One of my friends coded something like this once as a plug-in for
XMMS. Can't seem to find it now. Perhaps you'd have better luck than

On the other hand, a little bit of C++ should be fairly easy. First
you need the 'play' program from sox. 'play' can play files in the
'raw' format, which is just a stream of words that gives the amplitude
of the waveform. For example

play -t raw -s l -f s -c 1 -r 30000 -

takes as input stdin, plays mono channel sound from a stream that is
signed-linear, 300000 hertz sample rate, and with amplitude described
by 32 bit long word. Next you just need a waveform generator. A C++
snipplet from something I cobbled together several years ago (yes yes,
my coding practice can stand much improvement, so sue me)

#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <math.h>

int main()
        int rate = 30000;
        int coramp = 0xCEFFFFF;

        int tempamp=0;
        float totalamp=0;
        int f_count;    
        while(1) for(f_count=0; f_count < rate; f_count++)
                totalamp=sinf( ((float)f_count) * 440 / rate * 2 * M_PI);
                tempamp = (int) (coramp * totalamp);
                printf("%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c", (char) (tempamp), (char) (tempamp >> 
8), (char) (tempamp >> 16), (char) (tempamp >> 24), (char) (tempamp), (char) 
(tempamp >> 8), (char) (tempamp >> 16), (char) (tempamp >> 24));
        return 0;

Yes, it is an infinite loop. 
The sinf makes it a sine wave. You can code your own triangle wave. 
THe 440 makes it output A-440. It is the frequency. 
coramp is an amplifying factor. 

compile it, run it like 

 ./a.out | play -t raw -s l -f s -c 1 -r 30000 -

And you should get A-440 out of your speakers. 

Willie W. Wong                                      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
408 Fine Hall,  Department of Mathematics,  Princeton University,  Princeton
A mathematician's reputation rests on the number of bad proofs he has given.
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