On Fri, Jan 25, 2008 at 06:55:28PM -0800, Penguin Lover maxim wexler squawked:
> Do you mean alsa-utils. Here's alsa:

yes. Sorry for the confusion. 

> localhost heathen # emerge -avuD alsa
> These are the packages that would be merged, in order:


> I note two curious things(at least): alsa isn't
> mentioned but gentoo-sources is?

That is because 1) alsa is not a package name
2) current kernel ebuilds uses the kernel-2.eclass which specifies
that it provides virtual/alsa

So, when you asked it to emerge alsa, it looked at the list of things
that you've already installed, and saw that the kernel sources
"provides" alsa, so it says: ah-ha! I shall upgrade the kernel


Yang: "I want to take Engineering mathematics, which is probability this 
       term, and applied mathematics, which is linear algebra this term."
Yang's AA at National Taiwanese University:
      "What? Do you want to be an engineering medicine doctor?"
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