On 2008-01-29, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> I don't think so.  What I think is odd is that you can't just say
>> $ konqueror http://url.com/page.html --output page.pdf
>> It seems like a common enough thing to want to do.

It's not that uncommon amon users.  It appears it's just not
something the _devs_ want to do.

> I was astounded to not find such an option in either firefox or
> konqueror.

Many people have been requesting that feature for _8_years_ in
the case of mozilla.  There are literally dozens of bugs filed
requesting this feature. It gets tossed back and forth from one
dev to another for a while, then somebody sets to the lowest
possible priority (IOW, put on the "no, we're not going to do
it, but we won't admit it" list).  After that, everybody just
sort of ignores it until somebody files yet another dup bug
requesting it. Apparenty the developers don't have any need for
the feature, so the requests just get ignored.

> Such a simple idea, and no way to do it.  It really surprised
> me.

Here's your chance.  Add the feature to Firefox. ;)

Or pay somebody else to...

Grant Edwards                   grante             Yow!  .. Everything
                                  at               is....FLIPPING AROUND!!

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