Hi again all those who are stuck with (or have chosen) ati cards :)

I'm slowly getting through issues with (8-452 or 8-01):  I can now
suspend and resume back into X without problems.  (Time will tell how
reliable it is).  I've also got my uvesa fb working since moving to

However, I still can't find any solution for my GL issues.  As per a
previous thread, glxgears, fgl_glxgears, and screensavers segfault when
I run them.

I'm in the video group; xorg.conf has the DRI section (mode 0666); I've
recently recompiled the kernel, ati-drivers, x11-drm, etc... what else?

Please help!  thanks ;)
Iain Buchanan <iaindb at netspace dot net dot au>

Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them pick themselves
up and hurry off as if nothing had happened.
                -- Winston Churchill

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