On Fri, 2008-02-08 at 20:47 -0600, Dan Farrell wrote:
> On Thu, 07 Feb 2008 14:04:27 +0000
> Steve <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > In the context of online banking, where Windows of some flavour is
> > the desktop OS, I see a substantial risk arising through spyware
> > and/or viruses.  I suspect that a neat way to mitigate this would be
> > to run an OS from a CD which offers nothing more fancy than a basic
> > web-browser.
> > 
> > Is there anything like this already available?
> > 
> Isn't mozilla (not firefox, that is)  ) made for this kind of thing?  I
> thought it was the hardened, corporate-ready branch of the browser.  
> Incidentally, i think the best solution to spyware/adware worries is to
> not run windows.  I have yet to find a substantiated claim of any
> malware (real malware, not theoretical, lab-contained stuff) for linux.

What you mean is Netscape Navigator (basically the Mozilla suite aka
Seahorse). I don't know whether there are any differences to good old
Mozilla other than branding, regular security fixes and customer

Malware for Linux? What about those macro viruses for Open Office? Every
cross platform software such as Mozilla derivatives, java based stuff
like Azureus and so on is a possible target.

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