kashani wrote:
Johannes Skov Frandsen wrote:
Anybody had the same problem and found a solution?

Worst case scenario, how do I move my existing lists to a fresh installation of mailman?


There are a couple twists. You'll need to update the mailman user to point to the right homedir, make sure your lists are in the right place, etc.

Reading through the different links and forum threads posted here I decided to revert to a working version of mailman:

I edited /etc/portage/package.mask and added the following line:


and then I ran:

emerge -vauDN world

Everything seems to be working again now, so I'm just crossing my fingers and waiting for a new ebuild that handles the upgrade smoother.


Regards / Venlig hilsen

Johannes Skov Frandsen

/You live and learn. At any rate, you live. [Marvin]/

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