On Wed, 5 Mar 2008 16:02:25 -0300
"Rafael Barrera Oro" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hello, i have heard several rumors of the future of Gentoo being uncertain
> (Gentoo will dissapear, support will stop, etc...). I wanted to ask you if
> heard such rumors and why do you think these rumors go around.
> All this begun i found out there would be a debate in the place i work to
> decide wich distro will be used on a new server... Debian or Gentoo, of
> course i stood up for Gentoo B-)
> ¡Saludos!
> >Rafael

It's a symptom of being alive: people like to start gossips about when
and how you are going to die. The problem is that we don't believe in tales
about witches and premonition, do we? ;)

Some people call it yellow press (though in my country it would be translated
to "pink press" :P. This gets kind of boring, because every two or three days 
a similar thread arises in the forum or here. Once a year I answer this kind
of topic (I usually just silently ignore them).

Right now, gentoo is stronger than ever. Monthly newsletter works again, and
they are better than ever. The legal issues with the foundation (about papers
and bureaucracy) are all now solved and portage is maintained and updated
everyday. I figure how a person that use gentoo can question these things...
So I figure if any of the persons who open this kind of threads are really using
Gentoo for anything else than installing it to be cooler.

No offense intended. As I said, this just gets boring after 1000 posts telling
the same. It kind of seems like spam to me.

Saludos :)
Jesús Guerrero <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
gentoo-user@lists.gentoo.org mailing list

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