On 11:18 Thu 13 Mar     , Iain Buchanan wrote:
> On Tue, 2008-03-11 at 23:10 -0500, forgottenwizard wrote:
> define "unneeded".  This is highly system dependant, as everyone puts
> important files all over the place.
Things I would lose if I backed them up. Doing a prior backup, some
files in /proc caused me problems, and rsync refused to delete anything
in the following pass.
> from the subject line I assume you want to be able to restore a bootable
> system?  If so, you may need to back up more than just filesystems.
> What about the partition table and the master boot record?  You can back
> up the mbr to a file by using dd:
>  $ sudo dd if=/dev/hda of=mbr.img bs=512 count=1
> (replace hda with your boot drive).
The table, mbr, and partition table I'm not worried about. Those can be
easily repaired (or replaced, depending on how one wants to do it)

> In terms of Gentoo, you can strip out /var/tmp /usr/portage /home and
> possibly /opt.  Probably some /var subdirs too like /var/log /var/www
> etc and some /usr subdirs like /usr/games /usr/include /usr/src etc.
> I'd say you _need_ /dev /proc and /sys.
I'd like to know why. Some of the files in /proc change often, and cause
rsync a problem. sys doesn't cause these problems, though.
> If you _really_ want to know for sure, turn on the atimes option in
> fstab for all your partions, then reboot and do a bit of stuff (log in,
> ssh, etc).  Then use `find` to find all files that were accessed.
> Something like this:
>       * edit /etc/fstab, delete noatime (replacing it with "defaults" if
>         no other options remain)
>       * $ touch /var/tmp/reference
>       * $ shutdown -r now
>       * log in, look around
>       * find / -anewer /var/tmp/reference
> The output from the last command will be everything you _need_ to boot.
> Ideally, when backing up /proc /dev and /sys, do so from a cleanly
> shut-down system.
> HTH,

I'm trying to do this with the system booted up, because doing a daily
sync like that would be a bit of a pain.

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