
I had a problem the other day where I needed to shutdown, like in a real hurry. My power supply was packed up and checking out without paying the bill. I was in KDE and just selected logout then shutdown from the menu. Is there a faster way to shutdown so that at least the file system is clean? Some fancy keystroke pattern or a short command maybe? I run foldingathome and that pesky "waiting 17 seconds" thing was torture. I need it to bypass that little "feature" as well. I hope I never run into this again but just in case I would like a pointer. It did make it to the point where it said it was unmounting file systems but one partition must have been mounted since it was well, pissed, about not being unmounted cleanly. ;-) Thank goodness for reiserfs coming to the rescue. After putting in a new P/S all is well again.


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