Neil Bothwick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Sun, 30 Mar 2008 18:39:09 +0000 (UTC), Michael Schmarck wrote:
>> > You have a problem to which you do not know the solution, so how are
>> > you supposed to know what is important and what is not?
>> As it seems, I knew what was not important. Just have a look at the
>> real root cause of the problem.
> Isn't hindsight wonderful? You now know what is relevant to the solution
> of a problem you did not understand at the time.

That's one way to view this. Another way to view this, would be
that I had good knowledge of the problem and only posted what
really was needed.

>> > Of course, none of this really matters as people will be hesitant to
>> > offer any advice in future, no matter how complete your post, because
>> > you have demonstrated a complete lack of civility and respect for
>> > those that you expect to help you.
>> Oh, that's wrong. Alan very much demonstrated that he did not want to
>> help. Why else would he have posted his snide comment? And if you look
>> carefully, you'll see that I even treated him respectfully, when he
>> tried to be helpful. Care to point out where I showed a "complete lack
>> of civilty"? And care to point out the civilty in what Alan posted in
>> his (maybe unintended) flamebait?
> This has nothing to do with Alan,

Oh, no? It wasn't Alan who started this "flame" sub-thread? I guess I
must be reading a different thread then. Just to make that clear -
I'm *NOT* talking about the subthread titled "Gnome: No sound - "No 
volume control GStreamer plugins and/or devices found"".

> (who, incidentally, has demonstrated 
> his knowledge and willingness to help many times over) 

No argument there. So you think that this is an excuse for something?

> ad everything to 
> do with your attitude. 

My attitude? Well, maybe. But I rather think it has everything
to do with Alan, who made a bad comment. It (maybe) was my mistake
to respond to the troll. Let's not confuse things here, please.
It was NOT me who started the fight. If Alan would not have posted
what's in <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, there would
be no argument at all. 

Reg. my attitude: You're saying that it's no good from me, when
I treat people respectfully, just like I treated Alan in the other
"half" of the thread? I should not have done this?  Guess I've got
to learn something here - I'll try to change that in the future.

> So you found his post unhelpful, 

You disagree? You think that he was helpful with his KDE comment?

> well get over it.  

I am.

> Either ignore the post

That's a bit late now, isn't it?

> or respond by expressing your views without insult. 
> You have done yourself no favours.


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