On Mon, 31 Mar 2008 22:44:15 -0600, Ted Ozolins wrote:

> I have both gstreamer-0.8 and -0.10 on my system. -0.8 is no longer in 
> portage. Revdep-rebuild complains about several packages as broken and 
> require gstreamer-0.8. I tried following:
> > http://gentoo-wiki.com/TIP_Troubleshooting_Gstreamer  
> Can I emerge -C =media-libs/gstreamer-0.8 without borking my system?

As it is no longer in portage, copy the ebuild from /var/db/pkg to your
overlay, then quickpkg it before you unmerge anything.

It will only have been removed for portage if nothing else in there
depends on it, so unmerge it (after doing the above) then run
revdep-rebuild followed by emerge -uavD world.

Neil Bothwick

MS-DOS: if you believe in a flat Earth, this is the OS for you.

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