On Tue, 08 Apr 2008 14:36:45 +0200, Michael Schmarck wrote:

> >> Which majorly sucks, as there are good reasons why the packages
> >> should NOT be the way they are right now.  
> > 
> > Such as?  
> Finer control, without cluttering the world file.

What could be finer than picking which packages you want to install. The
KDE meta packages are for people who don't want fine control.

> > Hint: uncluttering the world file is not a reason for changing the
> > ebuilds,   
> Why not?

1) Because a cluttered world file is hardly a big deal, and far less
likely to have unforeseen consequences than a cluttered USE list and
package.use file.

2) Because if the format does become too unwieldy for the job, fix the
format instead of kludging around with ebuilds.

Neil Bothwick

The opposite of a profound truth may well be another profound truth. *

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