Hello all,

I am quickly getting to the hair-pulling stage because I cannot accomplish the 
simple setup of qmail and spamassassin. There is lots of docs out there, but 
they all suggest completely different ways of doing things.

Here's what I have:

These are all installed, and presumably working fine. That is: qmail is 
accepting and delivering mail, spamd starts and runs with no errors, and I am 
able to log in and get my mail using Dovecot and IMAP.

What I am trying to accomplish:

I just want qmail to run all incoming mail through spamassassin and add X-Spam 
header for all spam it finds before it is delivered locally. With this I 
shall be able to use .dovecot.sieve to place it in a spam folder for quick 
review and deletion.

Here's a few attempts I have made to integrate spamassassin, and the results:

Attempt 1 (Docs: [0]):
* emerge 'safecat' to get 'maildir' binary.
* Put "| spamassassin -P | maildir ./Maildir/" 
in "/var/qmail/control/defaultdelivery"

* mail is still delivered, but is not processed by spamassassin.
* It is my understanding that "X-Spam-Status" header should be added even if 
the mail is not identified as spam.

* Reading spamassassin docs leads me to believe that there is no "-P" option, 
and that I should really be using 'spamc'. I tried replacing spamassassin 
with spamc in  "/var/qmail/control/defaultdelivery". No effect.

Attempt 2 (Docs: [1]):

* emerge 'mess822' (required by ifspamh)
* emerge 'ksh' (ifspamh is ksh script)
* Place 'ifspamh' in /usr/local/bin
* setup .qmail and .qmail-spam as per docs

* No mail delivery at all. No obvious errors in any logs, mail just dries up.

Attempt 3 (Docs: [2]):

* emerge 'qmail-scanner'

* emerge hangs forever while searching for plugins to add to 
qmail-scanner-queue.pl. Some testing shows that the process is using no 
resources, so: it's hanging doing nothing?!? 

* 'clamav' (a dependancy of qmail-scanner) emerge failed with something about 
a gcc bug, and suggested I use a different compiler. I switched 
to 'i686-pc-linux-gnu-3.4.6' from 'i686-pc-linux-gnu-4.1.1' and it compiles.
* Cannot get qmail-scanner to compile at all.
* Dead-end.

There is another method I have found, using simscan [3] but it seems to 
require yet another third-party binary , and a patch to qmail, so I am not 
really interested in trying, especially with all the failed attempts so far.


Spamassassin and Qmail hate me.

Does anyone on this list have spamassassin integrated with qmail at the MTA 
level? I would be very interested in which method you used, and your configs.

Is there something else I am missing?

Any other info you need please just ask.

[0] http://www.magma.com.ni/~jorge/spamassassin.html
[1] http://wiki.apache.org/spamassassin/IntegratedInQmailWithIfspamh
[2] http://wiki.apache.org/spamassassin/IntegratedInQmailWithQmailScanner

darren kirby :: Part of the problem since 1976 :: http://badcomputer.org
"...the number of UNIX installations has grown to 10, with more expected..."
- Dennis Ritchie and Ken Thompson, June 1972
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