Alan McKinnon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:


>> I cannot seem to get past a kernel panic that appears to be expecting
>> an intramfs (You may remember this from a previous thread)  After
>> hand rolling 3 different kernels and trying genkernal all.... its all
>> ended in the same kernel panic.
> Yes, I remember it well.
>> So.... tryin to slip in the back way I found a gentoo vmware
>> appliance online .. downloaded and fired it up on vista.  It boots
>> and runs with no problems.  Only thing is it is built on 2006 package
>> set.
> What kernel does it use? I would rather update that vm's kernel to the 
> latest available and see if that boots properly. If so, move forward 
> and update the rest of the system. I reason that kernel panics on boot 
> concern only the boot loader and kernel and have nothing to do with 
> user-space, so you should concentrate on the more relevant bits.

2.6.16-r13 and yes as usual you've cut right to a good way to get this
resolved.  Wish I had thought of it.

I think I'll try to stop in the middle here and try that very thing.

I'm in the middle of update world dealing with blockages... I got past
the bash portage blocker by doing the no-no 

     emerge -vC bash... 

Then hand building bash and inserting a package.provided listing a
higher version of bash.  After symlinking /usr/local/bin/bash to
/bin/sh and /bin/bash the portage tools seem to work ok.

Instead of the much smarter way you laid out.

I did try the --nodeps route you suggest but probably not in the
smarter order you laid out.  I've lost track now what all I tried

I probably could have just did the package-provided without 
emerge -vC bash ... another dumb, with possible later repercussions, move.

But now that blockage is solved... I'm getting a failure in the
dependancy gpm when I try to emerge -vu portage.

I've included that failure message at the end.  Right now I think I'll
try with --nodeps and if portage installs ok... I'll try emerging and
building a more recent kernel and see if is still boots.

> I also think it's time to bring out the big guns with all the data. 
> Could you reply and attach the vmware config files for the non-working 
> vm, plus the .config file for that kernel in the vm?
> I strongly suspect you have a simple incompatibility between the 
> hardware vmware provides that vm and how the kernel is configured.

Er... it may be a bit late for that...since I trashed the 3 gentoo
based installs I had been working with.  I discovered ubuntu 8.0.4
install media produced a working vmware install of ubuntu.  But only
after ditching their desktop install that makes things much harder by
making it nearly impossible to get to a root shell from the gui mess.

They have it setup where you cannot create a root login and must rely
on sudo... in my case sudo would fail with a relolution of host
problem before I could run any commands.  Rather than try to wade thru
that mess.....I found there 8.0.4-server install and was able to get a
working install I've now built up with apt-get.

The ubuntu kernel that is working is their:

I have it operational now but I really miss portage... thats why I
tried sneaking in the back way with a gentoo appliance.

[...] snipped outline of method to resolve blockage bash <=> portage

Thanks for the nifty walk thru..  At this moment in the current gentoo
install, I'm going to see if using --nodeps will get portage updated
then try a newer kernel and see if it still boots.

emerge -vu portage ends with this faiure while emerging dependancies:

unpack gpm-1.20.3.tar.lzma: file format not recognized. Ignoring.
/usr/portage/sys-libs/gpm/gpm-1.20.3.ebuild: line 24: cd:
/var/tmp/portage/gpm-1.20.3/work/gpm-1.20.3: No such file or directory
 * Applying gpm-1.20.3-no-emacs-dir.patch ...

 * Failed Patch: gpm-1.20.3-no-emacs-dir.patch !
 *  ( /usr/portage/sys-libs/gpm/files/gpm-1.20.3-no-emacs-dir.patch )
 * Include in your bugreport the contents of:
 *   /var/tmp/portage/gpm-1.20.3/temp/gpm-1.20.3-no-emacs-dir.patch-16246.out

!!! ERROR: sys-libs/gpm-1.20.3 failed.
Call stack:, line 1539:   Called dyn_unpack, line 711:   Called src_unpack
  gpm-1.20.3.ebuild, line 25:   Called epatch
  eutils.eclass, line 324:   Called die

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