+++ David [gentoo-user] [Tue, May 06, 2008 at 11:44:46PM +0200]:
>  Hi,
>    I was thinking on making regular backup of my gentoo partition. I'm not
>  interested in incremental backups, just a mirror image of the root
>  filesystem. I've prepared some scripts using dd for the first copy and
>  rsync to keep it updated. How do you make your backups?
>  Any improvements?.
I've used bacula in the past to do backups.  It's very full featured but
also rather complicated for simple backups.

These days I use an rsync-based backup script I wrote called 'yarbs' (yet
another rsync backup system).

It uses rsync and hard links to keep X days of backups.  Easy to use, easy
to recover from, easy to setup.  I can make it available if anyone's

If you're using 'dd' does that mean you're copying the entire filesystem
and not just the files?  I believe that can run you into some issues if the
FS isn't read-only...

// Andrew MacKenzie  |  http://www.edespot.com
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// Some programming languages manage to absorb change, but withstand
// progress.
//     - Alan Perlis

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