On Wednesday 07 May 2008, b.n. wrote:
> > libtool got bumped to 2.2.4, which installs libltdl.so.3 which
> > breaks a huge list of dependencies - much longer than I've seen in
> > ages. In my case my dm and wm were broken so when X starts nothing
> > happens and I lost the keyboard. Couldn't even get to a virtual
> > console so had to do the usual fight with boot single user mode,
> > remount / rw, start lvm, manually mount ... you get the idea
> In my system (synced this morning) libtool is still firmly at 1.5.2 -
> are you talking about ~x86 systems, isn't it?

Yes, I should have mentioned that. I'm on ~x86

Turns out I had more problems than just libtool, so I reverted back to 
libtool-1* to get a stable system, I'll try upgrading back to v2 in a 
few days and see what happens then.

Alan McKinnon
alan dot mckinnon at gmail dot com

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