On 2008-05-12, Grant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> A curiosity: by itself, the Hawking USB adapter has more or
>> less sensitivity than the simple Airport glued to my Macbook
>> motherboard?
> I think it depends a lot on the maturity of the drivers.  As I
> said, my Netgear PCI card uses the madwifi drivers and vastly
> outperforms the Hawking adapter.

What do you mean by "outperform"?  I can see how drivers can
affect throughput.  The Windows drivers for my Laptop's WiFi
chipset (Intel Pro-something) only get about 1/4 of the
bandwidth that the Linux drivers do.

But, I don't understand how the driver can affect receiver
sensitivity.  That's purely a function of the design of the RF

> The Hawking's drivers are fairly new (rt2x00) and madwifi has
> been around for quite a while now.
> I do have another rt2x00 adapter that performs noticeably
> worse than the Hawking.  It's a Linksys and it has no external
> antenna.

Grant Edwards                   grante             Yow! Zippy's brain cells
                                  at               are straining to bridge
                               visi.com            synapses ...

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