On Wed, 14 May 2008, Adam Carter wrote:

 My wallpaper doesnt come up when Gnome starts, but if i open the System ->
 Preferences -> Appearance dialogue it appears (i dont even need to make a
 change). So it looks like something is not running until i open the
 dialogue. Any ideas on how to fix it? Or will i have to resort to 'mv .gnome
 .gnome.orig' (or .gnome2) or something like that?

I have that when the filesystem the wallpaper is on (for me: /home), is not mounted. I then manually do the mount and select the wallpaper as you describe.

So maybe your wallpaper is needed before the right filesystem is mounted. Maybe it's a network file system?

Christophe L.

gentoo-user@lists.gentoo.org mailing list

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